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Increase Your Productivity with a Pretty Yet Functional Home Office

In more ways than one, the quarantine has pushed us to revamp and make the most of our spaces. While some only had to accommodate a work nook, others had to carve out a workspace and a homeschooling corner in one. To be able to work efficiently while still staying comfortable at home, it’s important to continuously improve the home office so you’ll feel motivated to get things done. Achieve an ideal workspace with these handy hints:

Define your workspace

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It can be challenging to work when the bed is only a few steps away. Avoid feeling sleepy and the call of the TV by setting up your work nook in an unused yet well-lit part of your home. This can be by the window in your living area, in a spare bedroom, or any empty space that’s quiet and near power outlets. It’s best to have a designated home office so you can condition your mind that it’s time to get to work. Don’t forget to invest in a high-quality extension cord with power surge protection since you’ll be plugging in your gadgets while working.

Style Tip: Why not separate your work nook from the living and dining areas by adding a sleek shelf? It comes in handy for storing notebooks, pens, and other work essentials as well.

Prioritize your comfort

In the early days of quarantine, it’s a given to work with makeshift desks and spare chairs at home. Ensure your comfort by investing in a sturdy desk with drawers for your things and an ergonomic chair that can support your back. You don’t have to splurge in one go as you can prioritize having a proper chair first as it can affect your posture, too.

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Style Tip: Go for furniture pieces with hairpin legs! These can add to the posh vibe of your workspace while helping you avoid a cramped look.

Have enough storage

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Clutter can get in the way of accomplishing tasks. Create a bright and cozy workspace by having enough storage that help keep clutter at bay. Catchalls and small bins for papers, pens, and whatnots are your go-tos. You can stack these on your table or keep them underneath to avoid eyesores.Make sure you organize wires, chargers, and power cords to avoid tripping on them and creating an unsightly disorganized work nook. Keep them in place using nifty cable ties or adhesive hooks.

Style Tip: Try color coding! Assign a colored bin for specific essentials or keep it classy with rose-colored or brass pieces.

Proper lighting is a must

Nothing beats natural light – especially if you want to save on electricity. A work nook by the window not only lets you make the most of daylight, it’s a plus when you need to participate in video calls, too. As an alternative, you can also go for LED lights as these help save energy while keeping a space well-illuminated.

Style Tip: If you have limited space on your table, you can shop for a floor lamp that matches the rest of your décor. You can never go wrong with a black, white, or neutral lighting piece.

Add personal touches

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What motivates you to finish your tasks quickly? Pin your to-do list on a board you can put on display to fuel your energy. You can also display photos of your pets or a printout of your favorite quote to personalize your work nook. Make it extra welcoming by adding a potted plant or two.

Style Tip: Log on to Pinterest for inspo boards you can easily recreate. A personalized corkboard can double as a wall accent, too!

Aside from taking these tips to heart, make sure you allot time for quick breaks in between tasks. Rebooting your brain by having coffee in the balcony or taking a quick walk outside your unit to stretch your legs can refresh your mind and help you de-stress.

To do all these and more, you need a unit that’s spacious enough to accommodate your needs. Commonwealth by Century in Quezon City has sizeable units with usable balconies that’s perfect for the new normal. You can create a home office and a homeschooling area without worrying about the unit getting cramped. The extras? There are big windows that let in plenty of natural light and a usable balcony that’s ideal for work and play.

If you’re yearning for a quick break, you don’t need to step outside the property as there’s a Great Lawn that’s ideal for quiet walks and open spaces perfect for recharging your mind. You can secure your Commonwealth by Century unit without leaving your home! Log on to to see 360 virtual tours or to talk to our agent for easy payment terms you can avail.


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