Is there anyone Century Properties can’t get? According to the story, Jose E.B. Antonio, Executive Chairman of the Board of Century Properties Group (CPG), was sipping coffee in the shade of the World Trade Center’s twin towers on his last day of a business trip to New York City 13 years ago, the day before the 911 terrorist attacks. On his arrival back in Manila, he learned that the two buildings he was admiring just the day before had fallen in a molten heap, killing thousands of people. As the story goes, he followed the news of the site’s redevelopment closely, telling his son, Robbie Antonio, that whoever won the bid to design the WTC memorial they should also get to design one of their towers.
And that is how the Antonios decided on Daniel Libeskind, who designed the eerily beautiful and meditative memorial on Ground Zero, to design the 60 plus storey Century Spire, the last of five towers to go up at CPG’s Century City in Makati.
To match the reputation of the world-famous architect, CPG wooed the Armani Group’s Armani/Casa Interior Design Studio into a partnership to design Century Spire’s high end residential units, common areas and amenities.
Says Giorgio Armani, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Armani Group: “If the architect’s aim is to create remarkable spaces, then it is my aim to bring these to life through my interior design aesthetic. I am very pleased to be partnering Armani/Casa with Century Properties, and believe that the combination of Daniel Libeskind’s vision and my own will result in a truly remarkable place to live, full of elegance and winder.”
In explaining his design, Libeskind says: “This tower is totally unprecedented…as it gets to the upper region, it branches out. It crystallizes into a number of really spectacular spaces. And that has never been done. Usually towers are the very opposite, they shrink as they go to the top. This one is taking advantage of the most expensive and the most spectacular, which are at the top of the tower. That’s where you want to be.”
The project is scheduled for completion by end of 2018.
Source: Condo Living Magazine | February 2014